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Cancellation Policy: 

Fees for cancelled or missed sessions are still payable unless 48 hours prior notice is given or if there are particularly extenuating circumstances.


Please contact me for bank details to make a transfer. Thank You.

To begin with I generally suggest sessions on a weekly basis, but this really depends on what is possible for you. After the first few sessions it is usually better to extend the gap between sessions, but again, this depends on the context. The actual number of sessions that we may have does vary; I am solution-focussed, but also recognise that sometimes therapy is more of a long-term process - I try and work with you and your specific needs. If you have insurance then typically they will authorise an initial 10 sessions, but usually there is a budget limit - although this depends on the insurer. You may also have an excess to pay, depending on your policy. I will need your insurance policy number and authorisation number in order to invoice the insurer directly. You will need to contact your insurer to obtain the pre-authorisation number.

Our first meeting provides an opportunity to see how we will work together, time to discuss the therapy contract and for you to tell me what has brought you to counselling.

My rate is £80 per hour. The hourly rate applies to therapy sessions and to any report writing or other time where my services are required. 

I am recognised by most health insurance companies; if your health insurance covers you for psychotherapy then it is likely that you can claim back the cost of therapy sessions. Please understand that you will be liable for fees if your insurer declines to cover you. Please note that I will ask for payment and can provide a receipt if you have not been able to obtain preauthorisation. 

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